
120 Volt 240 Volt 3G (Sign 1) 3G (Sign 2) 4G (Sign 1) 4G (Sign 2) 5G A Line Dress A Line Silhouette A Line Skirt A Lot A Roll Aam Aadmi Party, Aap Sign 1 Aam Aadmi Party, Aap Sign 2 Aamir Khan (Sign 1) Aamir Khan (Sign 2) Ab Symbol Of Line Ab Symbol Of Line Segment Abacus Abandonment Abandonment Of Child (Sign 1) Abandonment Of Child (Sign 2) Abandonment Of Copyright Abate, Subside Abdicate (Sign 1) Abdicate (Sign 2) Abdomen Abeyance Abhor, Despise, Detest, Hate, Loathe Abide By, Comply With, Follow Abilities Ability To Pay Principle Able (Meaning) Able, Can Abode Abolish Abolition Aborigine Abort, Cancel Abort, Discontinue, Halt Abortion Abortive Trial (Sign 1) Abortive Trial (Sign 2) Above Above Board, Honest, Proper Above Ground Symptoms Abrasion Abrasive Abroad, Overseas Abrogate Abrogation Abscess Abscond Absent (Sign 1) Absent (Sign 2) Absentee Ballot Absentee Landlord Absolute Absolute Advantage Absolute Owner Absolute Temperature & Absolute Zero Absolute Weeds Absolve Absorption Absorption Absorption Of Food Absorption Of Water Absorption Pit Abstain Or Abstention Abstinence Abstract (Sign 1) Abstract (Sign 2) Abstract Noun Abstract noun Abstract Of Record Abundant (Sign 1) Abundant (Sign 2) Abusive Language (Sign 1) Abusive Language (Sign 2) Abuttal Ac Adapter Ac Express Train Ac To Dc Converter Acacia Fernesiana Acacia Modesta Academic Bank Of Credit Abc Academic Year Accelerated Graphics Port Acceleration Accelerator (Sign 1) Accelerator (Sign 2) Accent Accentuating Accept Accept accept1 accept2 Acceptance Acceptance Letter (Sign 1) Acceptance Letter (Sign 2) Access Time Accessibility Geography Accessible, Accessibility Accession Accessories Accident accident Accident Prone Area Acclimation Accommodation Accommodation Endorsement (Sign 1) Accommodation Endorsement (Sign 2) Accommodation Endorsement (Sign 3) Accommodation Land Accompany (Sign 1) Accompany (Sign 2) Accomplice, Accessory, Accomplish Accomplish, Achieve, Attain, Realize Accordion Accordion Pleats Account (Sign 1) Account (Sign 2) Account (Sign 3) Account Blocked Account Closing Account Currency Account Current Account Joint / Joint Account Accountable, Answerable, Liable, Responsible 2 Accountant Accounting Year Accounts Accumulate accumulation Accurate Accurate Accuse, Blame Achakan Achalasia Ache, Pain Achilles Tendon Achromatic Hues Acid (Sign 1) Acid (Sign 2) Acid Mine Drainage Acid Rain Acid Reflex Disorder Acidic Soil Weeds Acidity Acidosis Acknowledgement Acne Acquaintance Acquaintance Rape, Date Rape, Marital Rape, Custodial Rape Acquire Acquired Deafness Acquit Acquittal Acromegaly Acronym Acrylic acrylic Act Act Of God Act Of Parliament Act Of War (Sign 1) Act Of War (Sign 2) Act Or Statute, Bill (Sign 1) Act Or Statute, Bill (Sign 2) Act Your Age Action Action Plan Action Replay Action Research Action Taken Report Atr Active Absorption Active Tourism Active Voice And Passive Voice Active Window Active, Energetic Activist, Advocate, Campaigner Activity Actor Actress Actress Actual Loss (Sign 1) Actual Loss (Sign 2) Actual Loss (Sign 3) Actuary Actus Reus Acuity Acumen Acupuncture Acute Acute Angle Acute Angled Triangle Acute Coronary Syndrome Ad Hoc Ad Infinitum Ad Valorem Taxes Adam's Apple Adamant, Stubborn Adapt Adaptation (Sign 1) Adaptation (Sign 2) Adaptive Expectations Theory Adaptive Radiation Add Add add add Add On Add, More Addendum (Sign 1) Addendum (Sign 2) Addict Addicted, Dependent, Hooked Sign 1 Addicted, Dependent, Hooked Sign 2 Addicted, Dependent, Hooked Sign 3 Addicted, Dependent, Hooked Sign 4 Addition Additional Charge Additional Grant Additive Hue System Additive Identity additive identity Additive Inverse Address (Sign 1) Address (Sign 2) Ademption Adenoids Adequate, Sufficient Adhere To Adipose Cells Adipsia Adjacent Adjacent Angles (Sign 1) Adjacent Angles (Sign 2) Adjacent Side Adjacent Sides Adjacent Vertices Adjective (Sign 1) Adjective (Sign 2) Adjectives Adjourned And Adjourned Sine Die Adjudge, Adjudicate Adjustable Speed Drive Adjustable Tab Adjustable Wrench Administrative Order Administrator (Sign 1) Administrator (Sign 2) Admire, Commend, Praise, Appreciate Admixtures Admonish Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe After Effects Adolescence Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler Adopt Adoption Adoptive Child Adoptive Parent Adrenal Adrift, Aimless, Directionless, Goalless, Purposeless Adrift, Unmoored, Unanchored Adsense Adult (Sign 1) Adult (Sign 2) Adult (Sign 3) Adult (Sign 4) Adult (Sign 5) Adult Bihar Adult Education Centre Aec Adulteration , Adulterator Adulteration (Sign 1) Adulteration (Sign 2) Adultery Advance Advance Advance (Sign 1) Advance (Sign 2) Advance (Sign 3) Advance1Admin Advanced Electronics Advanced Welding advantage Advantage (Sign 1) Advantage (Sign 2) Advantage Of Distant Markets Advantage Of Kitchen Gardening Advantages Of Drainage Adventure Toursim Adventurers Adverb Adversary Or Opponent Adverse Possession Adverse Witness Adverse, Detrimental Advertisement Advertising Campaign advise Advise, Counsel Advocate Advocate General (Sign 1) Advocate General (Sign 2) Advocate General Bihar Aedes Aegis, Patronage Aeration aeration Aerobic Bacteria aerobic bacteria Aerobic Respiration aerobic respiration Aeroplane Aeroplane (Sign 1) Aeroplane (Sign 2) Aeroplane (Sign 3) Aeroplane Duster Aeroplane Sprayer Aerosols Affect, Impact, Influence Affect, Influence Affiant And Deponent Affidavit Affiliate Affirm Affirm Meaning Affluent, Wealthy Affluenza Afford Afforestation (Sign 1) Afforestation (Sign 2) Affray Afghanistan Afraid Afraid Afraid, Scared africa Africa (Sign 1) Africa (Sign 2) After Aftermath Afternoon Aftershave Lotion Sign 1 Aftershave Lotion Sign 2 Aftershocks Again Again And Again, Repeatedly, Over And Over Again Again, Repeat (Sign 1) Again, Repeat (Sign 2) Against Agave Fillifera Age Age Age Age Appropriate Learning Age Of Consent Age Old Ageism, Age Bias Agenda Agenda 1 Agenda Bihar Aggravated Assault Aggravated Vehicle Taking Aggregate Demand Aggregate Expenditure Aggregate Saving Aggregate Supply Agm Agnate Agnate 1 Agnosia Agnostic Agony, Suffering Agra Agra (Sign 2) Agree Agree, Concur, Consent Agreement Agreement Business Agricultural Drought agricultural practices Agricultural Robot Agriculture Agro Based Industry Agroforestry Ahimsa Ahimsa Ahmedabad Ahoms Aid Aid And Abet, Abettor Aim Target, Goal Aim, Target Air (Sign 1) Air (Sign 2) Air Compressor Air Conditioner Air Conditioner, Ac Split Ac Air Conditioner, Ac Window Ac Air Cooler Air Deccan Air Flow Air Hostess Air India, Alliance Air Air Matress1 Air Matress2 Air Matress3 Air Pollution Air Pressure Air Pressure Air Pump Aquarium Air Quality Air Rifle air rifle Air Space Of Egg Air Traffic Controller Air Vistara Airbubble Aircel Airjet Airport Airtel Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Aisle, Passage Ajmer Sharif Dargah Akbar Akshay Kumar Alarm Sign 1 Alarm Sign 2 Albania Albedo Albumin Alcohol Education Program Alcohol Sign 1 Alcohol Sign 2 Alcohol Sign 3 Alencon Lace Algae Algae Algal Bloom Algebra Algebra algebra Algeria Alias & Doing Business As Dba Alibi Alien Alien Species Alien, Extraterrestrial Aligator Clip Alike, Similar Alike, Similar Alimentary System Alimony Alive Alkali Soil Alkaline Cell Alkaline Soil Weeds Alkalis All All All All All (Sign 1) All (Sign 2) All By Yourself All India Federation Of The Deaf All India Foundation Of Deaf Women All India Trinamool Congress, Aitc, Tmc All of You All Rounder All The Best, Good Luck Allahabad Bank Allegation Accusation & Accused Allen Key Allergy Alley Cropping Alliance Alligator Tool Allocate, Allot, Apportion Allocation Of Resources Allocation Of Work Allow Allow (Sign 1) Allow (Sign 2) Allow (Sign 3) Alloy Alloy Alloy Wheel Alluvial Soil Alluvial soil Ally, Allied, Alliance Meaning Almirah Almost, Nearly Alone, Solo Aloo Tikki Alphabet Alpine Plant Already (Sign 1) Already (Sign 2) Alt Key Alternate Mating Alternating Current Alternative Alternative Current Alternative Dispute Resolution Adr Alternative Fuels Alternative Tourism Alternator Altitude Altitude Altruism, Benevolence, Humanitarism, Selflessness Aluminium Aluminium Always Always, Every Time Amalgam Amalgamator Amass Amateur, Non Professional Amazed Amazon Amazon Sign 1 Amazon Sign 2 Amazon Sign 3 Ambassador Ambidextrous American Option Amicus Curiae Amino Acids Ammeter Ammonia Amnesty Amniotic Fluid Amoeba Amoeba Amount Amount, Quantity (Sign 1) Amount, Total (Sign 2) Amoxicillin amp Ampacity Amphitheatre Ample, Plenty Amplitude Amputee Amritsar Amritsar (Sign 2) Anabolic Agent Anaemia Anaemia Anaerobic Anaerobic Bacteria Anaerobic Digestion Anaesthetic Machine Anaesthetists Analog Signal Analysis Analytics Anatomy Ancestor (Meaning) Ancestors Ancestral Anchor Bolt Ancient Alphabets Ancient Civilization Ancient Forest Ancient History Ancient India Ancient Writing And And Operator Andhra Pradesh Androgen Android Android Auto Android Tv Andropause Anemometer Anemometer Anesthetic Anganwadi Angel Angioplasty Angle Angle Of Declination Angle Of Elevation And Angle Of Depression Angle Of Incidence And Angle Of Reflection Angles Its Symbol Anglo Indian Angry Anguina Tritici Angular Leat Spot Of Cucumber Animal Animal Fibres Animal Husbandry animal husbandry animal movements Animal Sources Animals (Sign 1) Animals (Sign 2) Animation Anion Anitibiotic Ankle Annex States Annexation Anniversary Announce, Declare, Release Annual Annual Accounts Annual Exam Annual Flowering Plants Annual For Foliage Beauty Annual Interest Annual Or Short Range Planning Annual Payment Annual Plants Annual Report Annual, Yearly Annualised Return Annuity & Annuitant Annuity & annuitant Anode Anode Anode Anode & Cathode Anonymous (Sign 1) Anonymous (Sign 2) Anonymous Complaint Anonymous Complaint 1 Anonymous Meaning Anorak Anorehidism Anorexia Anoxia Anoxic Answer Ant Ant Ant Antacid Antarctica Ante Meridian And Post Meridian Ante Meridian And Post Meridian Antedate Antenuptial Agreement Anthill, Colony, Mound Anthropogenic Anti Corruption Law Anti Corruption Law 1 Anti Corruption Law Bihar Anti Money Laundering Anti Mullerian Hormone Anti Social Behavior Anti Social Behaviour Anti Social Element Anti Virus (Sign 1) Anti Virus (Sign 2) Antibody Anticipatory Bail Anticoagulant Antidepressant Antidiuretic Hormone Antidote Antiemetic Antimicrobial Antiperspirant Antiseptic Antitrust Policy Antitussive Anton Piller Order Antonymy Anus Anus Anxious Any Any Anybody Anything Anything Goes Aorta Apartheid Apartheid Apartment Apex Apex Court Apiculture Bee Keeping Apiculturist Apis Dorsata Apis Indica Apocrine Sweat Glands Apostasy Apostrophe App App App App Apparel, Garment Appearance Applause Apple Apple apple Appliances Control Applicant Application Application Application Application Efficiency Applique Appoint& Appointment, Appointee , Appointer Appointment (Sign 1) Appointment (Sign 2) Appraise Appreciation Apprentice, Novice, Trainee Approach Appropriate, Relevant, Suitable Appropriated Carrying Capacity Approval Approve (Sign 1) Approve (Sign 2) Approver Approximate (Sign 1) Approximate (Sign 2) approximation Appurtenances April April Apron Apron Aquaculture Aquaculture Aquarium, Fish Tank Aquatic aquatic aquatic habitat Aquatic Plants Of Various Colour Aquatic Weeds Aquifer Arabia Arable Crops Arable Farming Arable Land Arable Land Arbitrageur Arbitration And Arbitrator Arboi Culture Arc Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter Arc Welding Arch Archaeologist Archaeologist Archaic Archeology Archeology Archeology Archery Archipelago Architect Archive Archive Archive Arctic Circle And Antarctic Circle Arctic Tern Area Area area Area (Sign 1) Area (Sign 2) Area Sign 1 Argentina Argon Argue, Dispute, Quarrel Argument Arid Arid Regions Aristocracy Arithematic And Logic Unit Arithmetic Mean Arm Arm Arm Arm Hole Armature Armed & Dangerous Armed & Dangerous Bihar Armenia Armour Arms Trafficking Arms, Arsenal Army Army Boots, Combat Boots Army Of Ants, Swarm Of Ants Aroma, Fragrance Around (Sign 1) Around (Sign 2) Arraignment Arranged Marriage Arrears Arrest Arrive Arrogant Arrogate Arrow Arsenal, Armoury Art Art Artery Artery Artesian Well Article Article Article Referring Specifically To Constitution Article specifically referring to the Constitution articles Articles Of Association Articulatory Phonetics Artifact Artifical Intelligence Artificial Insemination Artificial Intelligence Ai Artificial Silk artificial silk Artificial, Fake, Imitation Artisan, Craftsman Artist Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh (Sign 2) Arunachal Pradesh Sign 1 Arunachal Pradesh Sign 2 Arunachal Pradesh Sign 3 Asbestos Ascariasis Ascend, Go Up Ascender Ascending Order Ascent Of Sap Ascii Ash Ashes ashes Ashoka Ashrama Ashvamedha Asia Ask, Question Aspect Ratio Asperger's Disorder Asphalt Concrete Asphlat Cutter Asphyxia Aspiration Aspire, Aim For, Pursue Aspirin Assailant Assam Assam Sign 1 Assam Sign 2 Assam Tea Gardens Assassination Assassination 1 Assassination 2 Assault Assembly Drawing Assembly Robot Assent, Agree, Approve Assess, Check, Investigate Assessment Asset Flows Asset Management Company Assign, Assignor, Assignee Assignment Assignment, Task Assimilation Assistant Assistant Assistant Professor Associate Professor Association Association Association Of Sign Language Interpreters Assume Assumption Assure, Reassure, Relieve Doubt Assyrians Asteriod Asterisk Asteroid Asteroids Asthma Astigmatism Astrocytoma Childhood Cerebellar Astronaut Astroturf Asymmetrical Design 1 Asymmetrical Design 2 Asystole At Large, On The Loose At The Money Ataxia Atharva Veda Atharvaveda Atheist Athlete, Sportsperson Athletes' Foot Athletic, Fit, Active Athletics, Track And Field Events Atlas Atlas Atm Atmosphere Atmosphere Atmospheric Pressure Atmospheric Water Generation Atom Atom Atom Atom Atom (Sign 2) Atom, Proton, Neutron And Electron Atomic Energy Atomic Number Atomic Weight Atoms Atone, Make Amends, Make Reparation Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Attach Grafting Attachment Alert Attachments Attendance Gov In Attendance Record Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attest & Attestation Attitude Sign 1 Attitude Sign 2 Attorney At Law Attorney General Attraction Attribute Auction Auctioneer Auctioneering Agreement Audi Audible, Perceptible Audience Audio Type Audiogram Audiogram Audiologist Audiologist Audiology Audiometer Audiometer Audiometer Audit, Auditor, Auditor'S Report Auditory Phonetics Auger Augmenting Crops August Sign 1 August Sign 2 August Sign 3 Aunt Auscultation Austerity Australia Sign 1 Australia Sign 2 Austria Authentic, Original Authorisation Authorised Capital Authorised Signature Authority Authorization, Authorized Person, Authorised Signatory, Authorized User Authors Autism Auto Answer Group Autobiography Autoclave Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Autocracy Bihar Autocracy, Autocrat Autograph Autoimmune Disease Automatic Automatic Film Processor Automatic Stabilizer Automation Autonomous Degree Granting College Ac Autonomous Government Expenditures Autopsy Instruments Autopsy Table Autorickshaw Autosum Autotrophic Autotrophic Autotrophs And Heterotrophs Autumn Available Available Available Available Water Capacity Availble Water Avalanche Average Average Measures Average Propensity To Consume Average Tax Rate Average, Mediocre Average, Not Worthy Of Praise avoid Avoidance Award, Prize Award, Prize, Trophy Away Axe Axes Axilla Axiom Axis Ayurveda, Yoga And Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha And Homeopathy Ayush B A B A B Com B E B Ed B Pharma B Roll B Sc Baby Baby Cot Babylonians Bachelor Of Medicine And Bachelor Of Surgery Mbbs Bachelor Of Vocational Education B Voc Back Back Back Back Date Back Date Back Link Back Office Back Stitch Back Up Back, Behind (Sign 1) Back, Go Back, Reverse (Sign 2) Back, Return (Sign 3) Backache Backbreaking, Arduous, Strenuous, Gruelling Backdate 1 Backdate Bihar Backdoor Or Trapdoor Backdoor Or Trapdoor 1 Backflow Background Background Backhand (Badminton) backhand (badminton) Backhand (Table Tennis) Backhand (table tennis) Backlog Backstab, Betray Backstroke backstroke Backup Backup 1 Backyard System Of Poultry Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria (Sign 3) Bacteria Of Plants Bacterial Diseases Animals Bad Bad Bad (Sign 1) Bad (Sign 2) Bad Blood Bad Climate Allowance Bad Language, Verbal Abuse (Sign 1) Bad Language, Verbal Abuse (Sign 2) Badge Badge, Pin Badminton 1 Badminton 2 Baffle Bag Bag Bag Bag bag Bag Mask Device Bag, Backpack Bag, Sling Bag Bagasse Baggage Reclaim Explanation 1 Baggage Reclaim Explanation 2 Bahujan Samaj Party, Bsp Bail Bailable Offence , Non Bailable Offence Bailee, Bailor, Bailment Bailiff Bailout Bails Bails bails Bajaj Bike Bake Bake, Baking Bakery Baking Soda Balance Balance Of International Payments Balance Of Trade Balance Sheet Balance Sheet balanced diet Balancesheet Balcony Balcony Garden Bald Sign 1 Bald Sign 2 Baldness Ball Ball And Socket Joint Ball Bearing Ball Bearing Ball Bonding Ball Cricket Ball Pein Hammer Ball Point Needle Ball Room 1 Ball Room 2 Ballast Device Ballet Ballon Pump Balloon Balloon (Sign 1) Balloon (Sign 2) Balloons Ballot Balm Balmacaan Baluster Bamboo Bambusa Ban (Sign 1) Ban (Sign 2) Banana Banana Tree Band Collar Band-Aid Bandage Bandage Bandh, General Strike Bandh, General Strike Munger, Bihar Banding Of Ringing Method Bandit Bandit Munger, Bihar Bandra To Worli Sea Link Bank Bank Account Number Bank Branch Address Bank Branch Code Bank Branch Name Bank Holiday Bank Of Baroda Bank Of Maharashtra Bank Rate Bank Statement Banker Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Order Banner Gujarat Banner Hyderabad Banner Sign 1 Banner Sign 2 Banquet Baoli Bar bar Bar Code Reader Bar Examination Bar Graph Bar Graph Bar Tack Barber Barber Bargain & Sale Bargain & Sale Bariatrics Bark, Bow Wow, Woof Barleria Cristata Barrel Barren Barricade Gujarat Barricade Tape Or Caution Tape Or Warning Tape Or Danger Tape Or Police Tape Or Hazard Tape Barricade, Barrier Barrier Free Environment Barter Barter System Base Base Base And Height Base Board Base Line Base Population Baseball Baseball Jacket Baseline Baseline baseline Baseload Basic (Sign 1) Basic Needs Basic Needs And Universal Access Basic Pay Basic Pay 1 Basics Basil Basting Bat Batching Bateau Neckline Bath (Sign 2) Bath Tub Bathroom Batman Baton Or Night Stick Batter Battered Child Syndrome Battered Child Syndrome 1 Battered Child Syndrome Sign 2 Battered Wife Syndrome Battery Battery (Sign 2) Battery Eliminator Battery, Spousal Battery Battle Battle Of Plassey Bauhinia Accuminata Bcc Be On Someone'S Back Be Yourself Beading Needles Beaker Beaker Beaker (Sign 2) Beaker Chemistry Lab Beam Beam Bear Bear (Sign_2) Bear Fruit Bear, Endure, Tolerate (Sign 1) Bear, Endure, Tolerate (Sign 2) Beard Bearer, Beneficiary Bearing Bearing Puller Beat Beat Beat , Beat Officer Beat Around The Bush Beat, Defeat Beat, Triumph, Outdo, Be Victorious (Sign 1) Beat, Triumph, Outdo, Be Victorious (Sign 2) Beautiful (Sign 1) Beautiful (Sign 2) Become Become Bed Cradle Bed Rest Bedouins Bedridden Bedrock Bedroom Bedroom Bedwetting Explanation Bedwetting Sign Beehive Beehive, Hive Beer (Sign 1) Beer (Sign 2) Beer (Sign 3) Beetroot Before (Sign 1) Before (Sign 2) Before Christ And Anno Domoni Before Hand Behaviour Behaviour, Conduct, Manner Behaviourism Behead Behind (Sign 1) Behind (Sign 2) Behind Bars Behind Someone'S Back being less Belgium Belief Believe Belive Bell (Sign 1) Bell (Sign 2) Bell (Sign 3) Bell Bottom Bell Sleeve Bellboy Jacket Bellows Pocket Belly Button Below Below Below Belt Belt Loops Benami Transaction Bench Bench Bench Mark Bench Press Bench Vice Benchmark Benefeciary Beneficiary, Bequeath, Bequest, Will Benefit Principle Benefit, Profit, Gain Bengali Benign beriberi Bermuda Shorts Berth Train Bertha Besides Besom Pocket Best (Sign 1) Best (Sign 2) Best (Sign 3) Best Practice Bestiality Or Zoophilia Or Sodomy Bestow Bet Better Better Late Than Never Between, In The Middle (Sign 2) Between, Middle (Sign 1) Bevel Gear Beverage, Drink Beware Bhaga Bhagat Bhakti Bhakti Movement Bharat Bharat (Sign 2) Bharat (Sign 3) Bharat (Sign 4) Bharat (Sign 5) Bharatiya Janata Party, Bjp Sign 1 Bharatiya Janata Party, Bjp Sign 2 Bharatiya Janata Party, Bjp Sign 3 Bharatiya Janata Party, Bjp Sign 4 Bharatiya Janata Party, Bjp Sign 5 Bhubaneswar Bi Focal Lenses Bias Cowl Dress Bias Tape Biased Sign 1 Biased Sign 2 Biased Sign 3 Biased Sign 4 Bib Bicep Line Bicultural Bilingualism Bicycle Shorts Bid, Auction Bidder Biennial Weeds Bifocal Big Big Big Big Bang Theory Big Toe Bigamy Bigger Integer Bigotry Bihar Bihar Bihar Bike Oil Filter 1 Bike Oil Filter 2 Bike Silencer Pipe Bike Suspension 1 Bike Suspension 2 Bike, Motorcycle (Sign 1) Bike, Motorcycle (Sign 2) Bike, Motorcycle (Sign 3) Bilateral Trade Bile Bile Duct Cancer, Extrahepatic Bilingual Bilingualism Bilirubin Meter Bill (Sign 1) Bill (Sign 2) Bill Of Exchange Billboard Bills Purchased Bimodal Binary Binary Fission binary fission Bindi Binge Eating Binnial Plants Binocular Microscope Bio Chemistry Bioaccumulation Biocapacity Biochemistry Biochemistry (Sign 2) Biocoenosis,Biocoenose, Biocenose Biodegradable Biodegradable Biodiversity Biodiversity Bioelement Bioenergy Biofuel Biogas Biogeochemical Cycle Biography Bioinformatics Biological Control Biological Evidence Biological Oxygen Demand Biological Psychology Biological Weathering Biology Biology Biology Biology (Sign 2) Biome Biomedical Biometric Biophysical Biopsy Bioregion Bioremediation Biosphere Biosphere Reserve Biotic And Abiotic Bipedal Robot Birds Birds Of A Feather Flock Together Birth Certificate Birth Contral Pill Birth Defect Birth Rate Birthday Birthmark Birthright Biscuit Bisector Bishop Sleeve Bit Rate Bite Bite The Bullet Bitter Gourd Biweekly, Fortnightly Black Black Market 1 Black Market Or Shadow Economy Or Underground Economy Black Soil Regur Soil Black Cotton Soil black soil regur soil black cotton soil Blackberry Blackboard Blackboard Duster (Sign 1) Blackboard Duster (Sign 2) Blackhole Blacklist Blackmail Blackwater Bladder Bladder Cancer Blank Blanket Bleat, Baa Goat Bleat, Baa Sheep Bleed Bleed Bleeding Bleeding Bleeding Disorders Blend blending blending Bless Blight Blind Spot (Eye) blind spot (eye) Blind Spot (Vehicle) blind spot (vehicle) Blind Stitch Blindfold Blindness And Low Vision Blinds, Shade Blink Block Barrier Block Block Someone On Social Media Block Education Officer Beo Block Institute Of Teacher Education Bite Block Resource Centre Brc Blocks Blocky Structure Blogger Blood Blood Bank Blood Bank Refrigerator Blood Cells Blood Group Blood Infusion Set Blood Lancet Disposable Blood Pressure Blood Pressure (Sign 1) Blood Pressure (Sign 2) Blood Pressure Cuff Blood Transfusion blood vessels Blotter Blotting Papter , Filter Paper Blouse Blouse (Sign 1) Blouse (Sign 2) Blow Blow Blower Blower Sprayer Blue Blue Flowered Plants Blue Revolution Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluewater Blur Snapshot Blurring Bmw Board Of Assessment Boa Board Of Governors Bog Board Or Board Of Directors Board Panel Sign 1 Board Panel Sign 2 Boarding Pass Boat Boat Bobbinet Bodhisattva Bodice Bodily Harm , Actual Bodily Harm, Grievous Bodily Harm bodmas rules Body Body Body Body Armour Body Lotion, Body Moisturizer Body Pain Body Parts Body Piercing Bogies Boil Boil Boiled Boiling Point Bold bold Bolero Jacket Bolt Bomb Squad Or Bomb Disposal Bombarded Bona Vacantia Bona Vacantia Bonafide 1 Bonafide Sign 2 Bond Paper Bonded Goods Bonded Labour Bonds Bone Bone Bone Cancer Osteosarcoma And Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma Bone Cells Osteocytes Bones, Skull & Spine Bonsai Or Miniculture Or Mini Garden Bonus Sign 1 Bonus Sign 2 Bonus Sign 3 Book Book Book Book Book Mark Bookcase, Bookshelf Booking Bookmaker Or Bookie Bookmark Boolean Boom Boot Border Boreal Bored, Uninterested Boring Boring Machine Born borrow Borrower Borrowing Linguistic Borrowing, Core Borrowing, Cultural Borrowing Borstal School Bosnia-Herzegovina Boss Botanical Classification Both, Couple, Pair Bottle Bottled Water Bottlefeed Bottom Bottom Bounce Rate Bounce, Rebound Bouncer bouncer Boundary Line boundary line Boundary Of Curve Bouquet Bow Tie Bowel Bowel Incontinence Bowel Rest Bowl (Sign 1) Bowl (Sign 2) Bowled Bowled Out Bowled Out (Cricket) Bowler (Cricket) Box Box Pleats Boxing Boy Boy Boycott Boyfriend Bp Machine Brace Brace Bracket Brackets Brackets Brahma Brahmanas Brahmanas Brahmi Script Brahmin Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya And Shudra Braid, Plait Hair Style Braille Brain Brain Brain (Sign 1) Brain (Sign 2) Brain (Sign 3) Brain Injury Brain Mapping Test, Brain Electrical Activation Profile Test, P300 Waves Test Brain Stem Glioma, Childhood Brain Tumor Inside Brain Tumor Outside Brake Light Brake Lights Bramhcharya, Grihastha, Vanprastha, Sanyas And Ashram Branch Admin Branch, Subdivision, Classification Branchadmin 1 Brand Brand Leader Brand Loyalty Brand Manager Brand Stretching Branding Brandishing Of A Weapon Brave Brave, Bold, Courageous, Strong Bray, Hee Haw Brazil Breach Of Code Breach Of Duty Bread Bread Boards Breadth Of A Rectangle Break Break A Leg Break Point break point Break Tennis break tennis Break The Ice Break Up Break, Pause, Time Out Break, Sever, Split Breakfast Breakout Rooms Breast Breast Cancer Breastbone Sternum Breastfeed breaststroke Breaststroke Sign 2 Breath Breathalyzer Breathalyzer Test Breathe Breathing Rate Breeding Breeds Breeds Of Poultry Bribe, Graft Brick Brick Masonry Bride Bride Burning Bridegroom, Groom Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Grafting Brief Briefcase Briefcase Bright Bright Bright And Early 2 Brinjal, Eggplant British Rulers Brittle Broad Acre Farm Broadband Broadcast Brochure Broiler Broken Line broken line Broker Broker Brokerage Brokers Bromeliads Bronchial Tumors Bronchitis Bronchoscopy Bronze Age Brooding Of Chicks Broom Broom (Sign 1) Broom (Sign 2) broomstick Brothel Brown Brown Brown Rice Brown Sport Of Rice Brownfield Brownian Motion Browse Browse, Look Through Shopping Browse, Peruse, Flip Through, Leaf Through Read Bruise Brush Bsnl Bte Bubble Chart buccal cavity Bucket Buckle Buddha Purnima Buddha Statue, Hyderabad Buddhism, Buddhist (Sign 1) Buddhism, Buddhist (Sign 2) Budget Budget Budget Budget Balance Budget Deficit Budget Revenues Budget Surplus Budget Travelers Budget, Funds Budh-poornima Buffalo (Sign 1) Buffalo (Sign 2) Buffalo (Sign 3) Buffalow Farming Buffet Buffet (Example) Bugle Bugs Bunny Builder Building Automation System Building Blocks Building Lifting Technique Building Site Building Structure Bulb Bulb Bulbourethral Glands, Cowper'S Glands, Mery'S Glands Bulimia Bulk Bull Bull'S Eye Bullet Bullet Bullet Proof Glass Bullet Proof Vehicle Bullet Train Bulletproof Bullock Cart bulls eye Bully Calf Bump Cutter Bun Hair Style Bund Bungee Jumping Burden Burden Of Proof Burden, Overload, Strain Burette Burger Burger Burglary Or Breaking & Entering , Burglar Burial Burn Burn The Midnight Oil Burner Burqa Sign 1 Burqa Sign 2 Burrow, Warren Burundi Bury Bury The Hatchet Bus Bus Bus (Sign 1) Bus (Sign 2) Bus Bar Bus Conductor Bushes Business Business (Sign 1) Business (Sign 2) Business Card, Visiting Card Business Cycles Business Email, Enterprise Email Business Tourism Bust, Statue, Memorial Busy Busy Butter Butter Butterfly Stroke butterfly stroke Buttocks Backside Button Button Button Down Button Hole Button Loop Button Placket buy Buy Ins Buzz, Whine Bees, Flies, Etc By By Bulb Roots Rhizomes By Law By The Skin Of One'S Teeth Bye bye Bye, Goodbye Byelaws Bystander, Onlooker Byte C Clamp C Language C O B Test C-Horizon C++ Caa Citizenship Amendment Act Cabbage Cabin Cabinet Cable Harness Cable, Cord, Wire Cacophony Cadaver Cadon Caesaerian Section Set Caftan Cage Cage System Cajanus Inducus Cake Calamine Calamity, Catastrophe, Disaster, Tragedy Calcium Calcium (Ca) Calcium Fluoride Calculator (Sign 1) Calculator (Sign 2) Calculator (Sign 3) Calculator (Sign 4) Calendar (Sign 1) Calendar (Sign 2) Calendar (Sign 3) Calendar Year Calf Calf Caliper Calipers caliph Call Call (Phone) Call For Quotation Call Option Call Sign 1 Call Sign 2 Call Someone Called Me Callable Bond Callous, Indifferent Callus Calm Calm Dawn Calorie Calorific Value Calorimeter Cam Cam Cam Shaft Cambium Cambodia Camel Camel Farming Camera Camouflage Camp, Tent Campaigning Campus Can Can (Sign 1) Can (Sign 2) Canada Canal Canara Bank Cancel Cancel, Call Off Cancer Cancer Cancer Candidate Candidiasis Candle Candy Canine Canine Teeth Cannibal Cannula Canopy Canteen Cantilaver Cap Cap Cap Sleeve Capable Capacity Capias Capillary Capillary Water Capital Capital (Finance) Capital (Sign 1) Capital (Sign 2) Capital Appreciation Capital Crime Or Capital Offence Capital Depreication Capital Expenditure Capital Goods Capital Output Ratio Capital Punishment Capital Structure Capitalism Capitalization Capitulate, Give In, Surrender Capon Caponisation Capri Capsicum (Sign 1) Capsicum (Sign 2) Capsize, Overturn Captain Captive Car Car Car Car Air Matress Car Pooling Carbohydrates Carbohydrates Carbon Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide (Sign 2) Carcinoid Tumor Carciogen Cardinal And Ordinal Number Cardinal Directions And Intermediate Directions Cardinal Person Cardinal, Key, Fundamental Cardioc Arrest Cardiovascular Medicine Care Giversign Care Giving And Care Giver Care Of Lawn Career Management And Progression Cmp Careful Careless, Negligent Cargo Cargo Pocket Cargo Train, Freight Train, Goods Train Caricature Caries Carissa Carandus Carnage, Slaughter Carnetic Wars Carnivore Carnivores Carnivorus Fishes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpenter (Sign 1) Carpenter (Sign 2) Carpenter (Sign 3) Carpet Carpet Area, Built Up Area,Super Built Up Area Carpool, Carpooling, Motor Pool, Ride Share carriage Carrier carrier Carrom Carrot Carrot Cartidge cartilage Cartilage Cells Chondrocytes Cartographer cartographer Cartoon Cartoon Meaning Cartridges Carved Pillars Carving Casarean Section Cascading Windows Case Caseadmin Cash Book Cash Crop Cash Crops Cash Dividend Cash Flow Cash Flow Cash Generation Cash In Advance Cia Cash With Order Cwo Cash, Notes Cashier Cashier Casino Casio Casserole Cassiopeia Cassiopeia Caste Castigate Castrate Castration Casual Leave Cl Cat (Sign 1) Cat (Sign 2) Cat Fish Cat Sign 1 Catalogue Cataract Catch Catch catch Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch (A Person, A Mistake) Catch (Things, Example, Ball) Catch A Train, Bus, Etc Catch Crops Catch Stitch Category Category Category, Classification, Group, Section Catheter, Foley Cathode Cathode Cathode Cathode Cation Cattle cauliflower Cause List Or Calender Call Cause Of Action Cause Of Death Causing Agent Cautery Machine Caution Cavalcade, Procession Cave Cave Paintings cavity Caw Crow Ccl Child Care Leave Cd Cd Writer Cease Fire Cease, Discontinue, Halt, Stop Ceiling Celebrate, Enjoy Celebrity, Personality, Star, Big Name, Celeb Celestial Bodies Celibate Celibate, Chaste Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Membrane Cell Wall Cell, Mobile (Sign 1) Cell, Mobile (Sign 2) Cell, Mobile (Sign 3) Cell, Mobile (Touchscreen) Cells Cellular Respiration cellular respiration Cellulose Acetate (Ca) Celsius Celsius Celsius And Fahrenheit Cement Mortar Cencorship Censorship Census Center Back Center forward Centering centi Centi - Centimetre Central Advisory Board Of Education Cabe Central Bank Central Bank And Commercial Bank Central Document Repository Central government Central Institute Of Educational Technology Ciet Central Jail Central Nervous System Central Processing Unit Centre Centre Front Centrifuge Centrifuge Tube Conical Century Century century Century (Meaning) Ceramic Disc Capacitor Cereal Crops Cereal Disease Cerebral Palsy Ceremony Certain, Definite, Sure, Positive certificate Certificate Of Inspection Certificate Of Insurance Certificate Of Manufacture Certificate Of Origin Certified Copy Certiorari Cervical Cancer Cervical Traction Cervix Cg Characters Chain Chain Drive Chain Of Command Chain Of Custody Chain Of Markets Chain Surveying Chain, Sequence, String Chair Chair Chakla, Rolling Plate, Roti Board Chalk Chalk (Sign 1) Chalk (Sign 2) Challan, Chargesheet Challenge Challenge Sign And Explanation Chalukyas Chamber Chamfering Chana Chana, Chickpea, Gram Chanakya Or Kautilya Chance Chance Chandelier Example 1 Chandelier Example 2 Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandragupta Chandragupta Ii Vikramaditya Chandragupta Maurya Change change Change Of Venue change1 Chaos, Disorder, Disarray, Mayhem Chapati, Roti Char Minar Character Character Map 1 Character Map 2 Characteristics Of Weeds Charge Charge Charge Charge Bargain Charger Laptop Charger Phone Sign 1 Charger Phone Sign 2 Charges, First Charge Chargesheet Chariot Chart Chart Chart chase Chatani Chauffeur Cheap (Talk, Behaviour, Etc) Check In Check Out Checkmate checkmate Cheek Chef Chemical chemical Chemical Change Chemical Reaction Chemical Composition Chemical Contamination chemical contamination Chemical Properties Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry chemistry Chemistry (Sign 2) Chemotherapy Chennai Chennai (Sign 2) cheque Cheque (Sign 1) Cheque (Sign 2) Cheque Crossed Cheque Drop Box Cheque Fraudulent Cheque Stale Cheras Cherry (Sign 1) chess Chest Cavity Chest Expander Chesterfield Coat Chewing And Lapping Type Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus Formerly Victoria Terminus Chhattisgarh Chiaroscuro Chicago School Of Economics Chick, Chicken Chicken Mesh Chickenpox Chickpea Chicks Chief Executive Officer Ceo Chief Justice Chief Minister Chieftains Chikoo Chikungunya Virus Child Child Child Abduction Child Abuse Child Care Leave Child Labour Child Marriage Child Of Deaf Adults Coda Child Prostitution Child Support Children Education Allowancecea Chile Chilli (Sign 1) Chilling Of Milk chilly Chimney Chimta, Tongs For Chapati, Roti Chimta, Tongs For Hot Vessels China Chip Chipping Chips Chirp Grasshopper Chirp, Chirrup, Tweet Chisel Chlorophyll Chlorophyll Chloroplast chloroplast Choice Based Credit System Cbcs Choking Cholas Cholesteral Choose, Pick, Select Chop Chop Chop chop Chord Christian Christianity, Christian christmas Christmas Sign 1 Christmas Sign 2 Christmas Sign 3 Christmas Sign 4 Christmas Sign 5 Christmas Sign 6 Chrome Chrome Book Chrome Cast Chromosomes Chronic Illness Chronic Kidney Chronicle chronicle Chronicler chronicler chronological order church Churning Separation Technique Cif Number Ciliary Muscles cinema Cinema Hall, Theatre Sign 1 Cinema Hall, Theatre Sign 2 Cinema, Theatre cinema1 Circle Circle Circlip Circuit Breaker Circular Circular 1 Circular Motion Circular Saw Circulating Capital Circulatory System Circumference Circumference Circus circus Cirrhosis Citadel Citizen Citizen'S Arrest Citizenship Citizenship1 Citrus Vulgaris City Sign 1 City Sign 2 Civics Civil Court Civil Disobedience Movement Civil Engineering Civil Law Civil Law Civil Law, Criminal Law Civil Rights Movement Civilian Civilization Cladding Panel Clan clap Clarify Class Class Participation class room Class, Grade, Standard Class06 Math Unlike Fraction Classical Economics Classification Classification According To Parts Used For Crop Classification Based On Life Cycle Classification Based On Parts Used As Food Classification Based On Season Classification Based On The Transplanting Capacity Classification Of Annuals Flower Plant Classification Of Crops Classification Of Fungus Classification Of Hedges Classification Of Insecticides Classification Of Plant Disseases Classification Of Poultry Diseases Classification Of Poultry Feeds Classification Of Shrubs Classification Of Vegetables Classification Of Water Areas Clauses Clavicle Claw Hammer Clay Clay Clay Soil Weeds Clean, Tidy Cleaning Robot Clear Clear Sign 1 Clear Sign 2 Clearance Certificate Clearance Certificate 1 Clearning And Matching Cleft Grafting clerk Clever Sign 1 Clever Sign 2 Clever Sign 3 Click Dolphin Climate Climate Map Climb Climb Climb Climb Down climb up Climbers Climbers Plants Climbing Weeds clinic Clinical And Counselling Psychology Clinical Thermometer Clip Art Clipboard Clock (Sign 1) Clock (Sign2) Clock In Or Clock On, Clock Off Or Clock Out Clockwise Anti Clockwise Close Close Close close Close Friend Close Relation Close Up Closed Circuit Closed Curve Closed File Closed Question Cloth Cloud Cloud Print Cloud Recording Cloud Storage Cloudiness Clouds Cloudy Clown Clown Clown Club Sign 1 Club Sign 2 Cluck Hen, Crow Cock, Rooster Clumsy Cluster Resource Centre Crc Clutch Lever Cnc Machine Cng Stone Carving Machine Co Accused Co Accused 1 Co Authoring Co Curriculum Co2 And O2 Coach Coach (Train) Coal Gas Coal Mines Coal Tar Coalition Government Coarse Aggregate Coastal Areas Coastal Plain Coat Coat Coat Dress cobbler Cobbler Sign 1 Cobbler Sign 2 Cobweb Coccidiosis Cock Cock A Doodle Doo Cock Erels Cockroach Coconut Sign 1 Coconut Sign 2 Cocoon Coda Code Mixing Code Of Conduct Code Switching Codebook Codes Codicil Coefficient Coercion Coffee Coffee Rust Cogeneration Cognition Cognitive Development Cognitive Psychology Explanation Cognitive Psychology Sign Cognizable Cognizable Offence, Non Cognizable Offence Cohabit Cohort Coimbatore Coimbatore coin Coir Coke Coke Cold Cold Desert Cold For Food Cold Formed Steel Section Cold Room Cold Storage Cold War Colic Collaboration Collaboration And Messaging Services (Cams) Collaborative Collabrate Collapse Collateral Management Collect collect Collect Data Collect, Compile, Gather College college Collegium Colloidal Solution Collude (Example) Colombia Colon Colonialism Colonialism Colony Of Ants Explanation 1 Colony Of Ants Explanation 2 Colony Of Honey Bee Color Blindness Color Temperature Colorable Legislation Colostrum Colour (Sign 1) Colour (Sign 2) Colour Palette 1 Colour Palette 2 Coloured Follage Shrubs Coloured Hair Colt, Foal, Filly Column Column Coma Comb Combination Drill Combination Set Combine Combine, Connect (Words) Combine, Merge Combustible combustion come Come (Sign 1) Come (Sign 2) Come Back Case Come Back, Return Come Of Age Comets Comfortable (Sign 1) Comfortable (Sign 2) Command Box Command Economy Commas Commemoration Comment Comment Comment Commerce Commercial Commercial Agent Or Sales Agent Commercial Building Commercial Farm Commercial Farming Commercial Vegetable Gardening Commerical Complexes Commission Commission Commission Agent Committee Commode Chair Common Common Cold Common Minerals Common Noun, Proper Noun Common Salt Communicate Communicate Communication Challenges Communication Options Communism Communist Party Of India, Cpi Community Community Based Rehabilitation Community Land Compaction Companion Subsidiary Crops Company Company Secretary Compare compare Compass Compass Compass compass Compass Surveying Compensation Compensation Compensatory Damages, Punitive Damages Compensatory Fiscal Policy Competence Competition Competition Competition, Contest Compiler Complain Complain Complainant And Complaint Complementary Angles Complementary Demand Complete Angle Complete Of Total Farm Budgeting Complete, Finish Complex Sentence Composite Drawing Compositing Composition Of Milk Compost Compound Chemistry Compound Interest Compound Language Compound Sentence 1 Comprehension Compress Computer Computer Search Of The Literature Computing Concave Lens Concave Mirror Concealment Of Identity concentric circle concentric circle Concentric Circles Concept Conclude Conclusion Conclusions Concrete Concrete Concrete Mixture Concrete Noun concrete noun Concrete Slab Concussion Condemnation, Condemnation Suit, Inverse Condemnation Condensation Condensation Condensation Condensation Or Distillation Separation Technique Condensed Type Condiments Spices Crops Conditional Formatting Condom Condone Conduction Conductor Conductor Conductor conductor of electricity Conductor Of Heat Conductors And Insulators Cone Cone Cone Cone Cone

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